Car choices are often quite confusing. Should you buy a sedan or an SUV? This may be a tricky choice after all. Both types come with their own advantages and disadvantages. You need to learn more about the comparative features of the two vehicle types along with all other essential information before buying a sedan. Sedans are the epitome of comfort, class and luxury. Do they represent practical choices however? Read on to find out more on the efficacy of purchasing a sedan over an SUV.
Pros and Cons to buying a sedan
Before landing a good deal for a secondhand car in Mumbai, you should always stay in the loop regarding the pros and cons of both sedans and SUV’s. Here are the chief things you should know if you are considering buying a top class sedan:
- Sedans have lower ground clearance which helps you drive better
- Sedans are ideal for busy city roads
- The center of gravity, being low, helps these vehicles stay grounded
- There are lower risks involved as far as rolling over is concerned. This makes them safer than SUV’s to a large extent
- Registration, insurance and other costs are significantly lower than SUV’s
- Sedans also require lower maintenance costs as compared to SUV’s
- The prices of sedans are also quite lower
- Sedans can only seat four or five people which is a disadvantage when it comes to large families
- Fuel efficiency is often higher as compared to SUV’s
- Sedans are not really sporty or enticing enough and possess sober and subtly attractive styling. If you are the rugged kind, this is not the car type for you
- Luggage space is also lower than SUV’s
- Towing and hauling activities are also best avoided with sedans
- Sedans are not all terrain cars owing to low ground clearance
- Also, visibility is lower due to the lower seating position
SUV’s and their pros and cons
Here are some of the things that you should know about SUV’s before deciding to purchase one:
- SUV’s have higher ground clearance and this makes them safer options
- Drivers have a high visibility point
- They are ideal for towing and hauling operations
- Luggage space is enormous and this makes these cars ideal for short trips
- Seating capacity is significantly higher as compared to sedans which makes these cars ideal for big families
- SUV’s can be problematic due to their center of gravity which is high. This makes them susceptible to rolling over
- Parking and handling is also a problem due to the large size of these cars
- SUV’s also have lower fuel economy in most cases and release environment polluting gases in some cases
Use free classifieds to find quality used
sedans or SUV’s online. You will find various options for your perusal. If you do not have a large family, drive mostly in the city and want more of comfort and stylish luxury, you should opt for sedans. Otherwise, SUV’s are the best bet. Use online classifieds to find your desired car with ease.
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